Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Music of my life


Easy to follow art or crafts, photography and blogging tips for beginners, along with other simple notes and musings of mine. Thanks for visiting


Hi, I'm Rosidah Abidin. Born in Offenbach, Frankfurt a.M. and spent 10 years of my childhood in Germany. Now living in Indonesia, I have become a proud wife and mom of two, after graduating my degree in chemistry. The children are the apple of my eye and a great inspiration. I love to travel, going crafty and hunting nature photos, especially after the rain. Meeting women from all over the world would be a great pleasure to me. Let's share our wisdom.

Visit blog Music of my life


  1. Hi Rosidah. Interesting blog - I particularly like the blogging-related tips. Thanks!

  2. You are a very talented woman, but think you are expecially suited to taking nature photographs. They are beautiful!

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for these encouraging comments and visiting my blog.
    It is highly appreciated :).

    Best Wishes!

  4. Although I tend to be a bit squeamish with ingredients I'm not familiar with, I think I could use some ox tail and noodle soup today. *Sniffling, sneezing, cough cough. ;) Alas, I'll have to make do with chicken broth.

  5. Hi Rosidah. Thanks for joining my Quotable Thursday meme with such a lovely quote on friendship!
    Have been trying to find an email contact for you, but can't. :( Was wondering if you live in Jakarta. I don't want to sound like an Internet stalker (!) - but I'll be in Jakarta for a day, on my way to Bali, and was wondering if we could say hi in person?? Crazy idea? Anyway, pls email me: pamposh@gmail.com.
