Thursday, July 22, 2010


The Husband has a business trip requiring at least one overnight stay each week from today until December.
Grateful for the boat load of airline miles and hotel points he'll be earning, but seriously Husband's Employer?!  One trip a week (lasting from one night to one week) each week for 19 weeks!*  I. Hate. You.

Anyone feel like taking an extended trip to Charlotte?  I have extra bedrooms, large backyard and plenty of board games.  Pets welcome.

Obviously, The Husband hates this, too.  And part of me feels like I should just shut the hell up.  The Husband is employed, can make our house payments without trouble and we have inexpensive health insurance.  These work trips are good for his career and will reflect well within the company.

Still sucks, though.
* Ok, so a few of these trips I will be in tow and they include some awesome excursions for my birthday in November.  However, I feel the situation entitles me to a bit of exaggeration.   


  1. I feel your pain. Look on the brightside (if there is a brightside) you will have more time to blog :)

  2. Ha! Good point. There's a lot of logistical junk to work out, but I'm hoping to tag along on some of these trips.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hang in there, it's tough - my husband just moved home after working in another city for 21 months, and he was only able to come home every 2-3 months when he'd accrued enough vacation time to make it worth the flight. Enjoy the trips you get to make with him, though!!

  5. Think of the money you will save in shampoo, shower caps and toilet roll you will save this year. Hotel trips bring in many treasures

  6. hard to find a rhythm with such comings and goings. we have lived through will too. :)

  7. I know you wish he would not go but know you can keep a log of what happens and how much you miss him.


  8. Yes, this is painful, but it can be seen in another point of view: the time for yourself. Is very important to be with yourself from time to time and have some space for you. And it can be very funny, you can be very creative and make your husband surprises for his returning, you can learn new things that can make you very happy, etc. So, be sure that is good from time to time to be alone
