Thursday, February 5, 2009

My life with 4 kids- a cautionary tale


One half-baked mom + 4 awesome and amazing kids (don't be fooled, they read this) + the aggravating, hair pulling out by the roots love one could only feel for one's husband = random and rambling musings. Warning: Check your mind at the door, must be insane to ride this rollercoaster that is my life!


I am a married mother of 4 who works full-time.  I live in Texas, and love to share my life experiences in a funny way.  I blog mostly about my family, and with 4 kids there is a ton of material.  I don't get to blog as often as I like, but am hoping to change that for 2009.  I enjoy taking what others might consider stressful situations and reflect upon them from a humorous standpoint.  My kids find my blog mortifying (but secretly they love it) and that is my revenge :)


  1. LOL! I get exhausted just reading about the birthday dinner and suprisingly find myself happy to have snotty teens ;)

  2. Shew! I'm so knowing where you come from - with 6 kids. By the way, do you query and submit your articles to editors? I hope so!

    All best,

