Sunday, March 8, 2009

Okie Booklady


a Catholic bibliophile's view of books, Life, faith, family and and where they intersect


I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO.  Now I'm happily married to my best friend, Bear. We're both former Air Force officers; he's retired. After thirteen years in the AF and living all over the world, I got out when our second daughter was born. I stayed home with and homeschooled our children until last year when my baby entered ninth grade. Now we live in Oklahoma and I take care of my family, work part-time, volunteer at Church, read, moderate Benedict's Book Club on goodreads and blog.

Visit blog Okie Booklady


  1. I'm sorry to read that you are so unhappy with the current administration, but I respect your right to voice your opinions. That's what makes this country a great one :)
