Thursday, February 5, 2009

Shoe Porn


 Musing on all life, travel and shoes…well mostly shoes. If you don’t get it, you just don’t.


 I’m a shoe addict from South Africa who gets to travel quite a bit and hence have good knowledge of packing technique and appropriate shoe coverage!

Visit blog Shoe Porn


  1. I'm going to send this to my friend. This is how she feels about shoes!

  2. Have you visited the Philippines? Imelda Marcos' shoes, alas, are no longer on show at the presidential palace, but the country's still quite hung up on shoes. I've never lived in houses with more shoe cupboards than here in the Philippines!

  3. My other name IS Imelda Marcos, according to my husband, but I reckon 83 pairs including boots isn't even close! Lucy at Great shoes, btw.

  4. I haven't been to the Philippines - I will have to make a plan now, sounds like my kind of place! I have too many shoes and not enough cupboard space as it is :)

    What is a shoe cupboard anyway and where can I get one?

  5. wow Lucy, that's a decent amount of shoes, respect! I've always been partial to the title: 'Shoe-ra, queen of the universe' myself!

  6. Rochelle, not sure if that was a serious question about shoe cupboards, but I'll answer it anyway. In the Phils, of course, your home comes with built-in shoe cupboards with slightly downward-sloping shelves. In most other countries, you have to buy smaller versions at furniture stores or Ikea-type places. :)

  7. *shoes* (drools)

    I am a card carrying member of shoe addicts anonymous.

  8. Thanks Pamposh, it was a serious question, its not a concept I've encountered before - sounds like a brilliant idea! will have a look around for these now.

  9. Hi Peldyn
    Isn't it great to know you're not alone :)

  10. I call this meeting of the shoe-addict's anonymous to admit that I have an addiction...

    My name is Marilyn...and I think footwear is fabulous...

  11. I love how you talk about all things related to shoes and not just the most recent style that you are lusting after. That's keeping it real ;)

  12. is for quitters, I say, be loud and proud! (PS - where do I get one of those cards?)

  13. @Marilyn
    (all together now) "Hi Marilyn!"
    Its been two weeks since my last shoe purchase

  14. @Heart's desire
    Thanks - the feedback is so great, feels like I'm finally home :)
    Loving your jewellery designs - as with shoes, you can never have a bad bling day!

  15. I LOVE this blog. I mean, shoes, vacations, Italians... what more can a girl wish for?

  16. @Tranquility
    Thanks!! Perhaps just need to add a little chocolate?

  17. Your writing rocks, although I'm *just not into shoes. Twenty pairs or so at a time is about good for me.

  18. @ Kimberley - thanks!! Guess someone has to leave some in the shops for girls like me. Really appreciate the compliment and the comment :)
