Thursday, February 5, 2009

Manic Motherhood


I used to be a functioning adult with a brain. Then my son, Junior, came along. It took about 5 minutes in Junior's company for me to realize I knew nothing about kids. So, numerous backward diaper changes, parenting mistakes, and several mental breakdowns later, I began to write about all the calamities in my life in a weekly column. These are my stories. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the manic mommies in all of us.

Does Laurie Have a Blog?

Of course, doesn't every mom? but have patience with me--I'm busy relearning 7th grade math and snooping on my kid's MySpace page. But I update every Thursday with a full blolumn and more often with snippets of frustration, humor and things I find ridiculous or just plain weird. Oh, and sometimes I let you know what I burned for dinner. Yeah, I know. Everyone blogs about that.

Where Else Can I Find Manic Motherhood?

Since 2000, I have been a columnist for the Gilroy Dispatch, the Hollister Freelance and the Morgan Hill Times.

What About Books?

Laurie's work has appeared in Chicken Soup for The Soul Celebrates Mothers, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Resolutions, as well as Misadventures of Moms and Disasters of Dads. All are available at I think.

Visit Blog Manic Motherhood


  1. Welcome, Laurie! I'm lol already at your introduction. Can't wait to read you blog!

  2. Your blog is written so well. I found myself smiling over every para!

  3. Laurie,
    you had me rolling on the floor laughing, between knowing why animal mothers eat their young and rock band. I love your writing style and your humor.

  4. Great blog! I look forward to reading more.

  5. I love your sense of humor and the colorful graphics on your blog. It's a lot of fun to read!
